The project consists of upgrading and expanding the existing Honouliuli Wastewater Treatment Plant (HWWTP) to allow for all wastewater effluent to meet secondary treatment standards at HWWTP. The new or upgraded at- and below- grade structures for Phase 1B include the Aeration Basins, six (6) Secondary Clarifiers, a Secondary Blower Building, a Mixed Liquor Distribution Box, Primary Effluent Junction Box, an Effluent Division Box, an Effluent Flow Meter Vault, Secondary Effluent Junction Box Modifications, a Centralized Emergency Generator Building, a Primary Switchgear Building, a Secondary Process Pump Station, and associated utilities and pipelines to be installed by both pipe jacking/micro-tunneling and open excavation methods. The scope of work also includes providing a complete, functional process control system including the supply, procurement, installation, calibration and testing of the control system network, instrumentation, and signal systems.