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- Category: Summer 2020
Arelatively new and colorful lapel pin is becoming more common throughout Water Environment Federation (WEF; Alexandria, Virginia) events and throughout the water sector. This 25-mm (1-in.) circle is decked out with 17 multi-colored pie slices. It evokes the vision of an old Trivial Pursuit game piece on steroids and packs a lot of meaning and promise for making the world a better place by 2030.
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- Category: Summer 2020
As the world adapts to dealing with coronavirus – social distancing, working from home, and self-quarantining if ill – the perceived hoarding and scarcity of toilet paper has emerged almost as a joke. But, if people start flushing unsuitable materials, the results will be anything but funny.
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- Category: Summer 2020
March 27, 2020
Even during the coronavirus pandemic, water resource recovery facilities (WRRFs) cannot cease operations even for a moment. It remains critical, then, for WRRF managers to develop actionable plans to ensure continuity of operations despite potential staffing shortages and supply chain disruptions.