Solves Commercial and Residential Wastewater Treatment Challenges
Delta Treatment Systems ECOPOD-D® Advanced Wastewater Treatment Units offer treatment capacities from 1,500 to 100,000 gallons per day in pre-engineered treatment plants for commercial or decentralized wastewater treatment needs. The ECOPOD-D technology has been tested under Standard NSF/ANSI 245 International and exceeds Class 1 requirements with an average effluent quality of 6 mg/L BOD5 and 8 mg/L TSS. It also exceeds the NSF/ANSI 245 total nitrogen reduction requirement of 50%. The ECOPOD-D disposes of wastewater quietly, efficiently and with no odor and has no inner tank filters, screens, or diffusers to service. It’s total nitrogen removal capabilities and simple operation make it ideal for small cities, rural communities, schools, high strength commercial facilities, and retail and office developments.
ECOPOD-D Solves Waste Treatment Challenges for Rural Alabama Town
Section, Alabama is in the northeast corner of the State of Alabama and has a population of 770. This 30,000-gallon per day system was designed to treat the domestic waste produced by both residential and commercial entities for the Town. The project was designed to be installed in two phases: Phase 1 is designed to treat 30,000 GPD domestic waste at a strength of 300 mg/L of both BOD and TSS. It is also designed to handle an average daily flow fluctuation over a range of 50 to 100 percent.
To ensure efficient, optimum system operation, the ECOPOD-D units were shipped directly to the site complete and ready for installation. This included all of the component equipment required. The ECOPOD-D units were installed in poured in place concrete tanks equipped with aluminum hatches. A flow equalization tank was installed before the ECOPOD-D treatment reactor tanks at a volume of 14,208 gallons. The purpose of the flow equalization system is to store the wastewater and evenly dose it to the ECOPOD-D treatment system throughout a 24-hour period, as the biology is most efficient when being fed consistently throughout the day. The flow equalization tank includes duplex pumps to ensure flow surges do not reduce the efficiency of the treatment system. A 19,190-gallon primary tank precedes the flow equalization tank. The effluent also passes through a UV system for disinfection of fecal coliform to concentrations below permit levels. A drip disposal system, also supplied by Delta Treatment, includes an effluent pump chamber, headworks, tubing, controls, and all necessary valves and fittings. A concrete building was erected on-site by the project contractor to house electrical controls and equipment.
Delta Treatment Systems and Infiltrator Water Technologies
Delta Treatment Systems, LLC is an Infiltrator Water Technologies Company. Delta Treatment Systems’ advanced wastewater treatment systems provide wastewater treatment solutions for residential and commercial systems with daily flows of up to 100,000 gallons per day. The company has more than 25 years of engineering design, technical expertise and quality-controlled products and offers a variety of product lines to meet a wide range of residential and commercial system specifications.
Infiltrator Water Technologies is an onsite wastewater treatment industry leader. The company manufactures a variety of revolutionary products and innovative, environmentally friendly alternatives to traditional stone and pipe leachfield and concrete septic wastewater system components. The company’s products are available through wholesale distribution across the United States and Canada. Infiltrator Water Technologies is a leader in environmental stewardship and recycling. The company operates ISO 9001 accredited manufacturing facilities and is committed to resource conservation and globally sustainable wastewater management.