Wednesday; November 20, 2019 • Koolau Ballrooms/Conference Center, Kaneohe, Oahu, Hawaii
The Collection Systems Committee of the Hawaii Water Environment Association (HWEA), a member section of the Water Environment Federation (WEF), is seeking papers for presentation at its 10th biennial conference.
This year, HWEA has teamed with the Western Chapter of the North America Society for Trenchless Technology (WESTT) to provide an exciting joint conference. The conference will include a wide variety of topics related to wastewater collection systems and buried infrastructure with an emphasis on current collection system technologies, assessment, rehabilitation and operation. Other presentation topics may include:
• Collection System Design (including pump stations)
• Trenchless Construction/Rehabilitation and Condition Assessment Methods
• System Operations, Maintenance and Troubleshooting
• Construction/Rehabilitation Methods
• Collection System Assessment
• Safety Issues
• Regulations/Enforcement
• New Technologies
• Management and Administration of Systems
• Operator Certification
If interested, please submit abstracts in hard copy or electronic format, along with the proposed title, name(s) of speaker(s), author(s), company/agency affiliation, address, telephone and facsimile number, and e-mail address.
Abstracts are due by July 31, 2019.
Please send the abstracts to:
Brown and Caldwell
c/o Tom Myers
737 Bishop Street, Suite 3000
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Or e-mail Tom Myers at
For additional information, please contact HWEA Collection Systems Committee members,
Tom Myers at ph. (808) 203-2660 or
Sheryl Nojima at ph. (808) 521-0306.
Please visit our website at for more information on the conference.